Defined: Opportunity Cost, Plus Examples and Calculation

how to compute the opportunity cost

In most cases, it’s more accurate to assess opportunity cost in hindsight than it is to predict it. “Sunk cost refers to the past costs that you have incurred,” says Ahren A Tiller, Esq., Bankruptcy Law Specialist. “Let’s say you’ve invested in company X but gained nothing. The money you spent is a sunk cost, and it can’t be recovered. You can’t do anything about it, making it irrelevant in your decision-making.” Say a shoe manufacturer has the option of investing in new equipment that is expected to provide a return of roughly 9% the first year.

The Bankrate promise

If you determined the difference in revenue generated by each of those two scenarios, you’d be able to find the opportunity cost. Whether it’s an investment that didn’t go to plan or marketing software that didn’t improve lead quality, no one likes to see money disappear. Next, let’s look at the opportunity cost formula to see how entrepreneurs analyze each trade-off. In contrast, opportunity cost considers the loss of potential returns from an alternative investment decision.

Explicit opportunity cost

how to compute the opportunity cost

If a man marries someone, he cannot choose another person to be his spouse. If an individual chooses to go to one university full-time, that will require many spent either in class or studying that cannot be used for other purposes. Accounting profit is the net income calculation often stipulated by the generally how to record a loan to your business in bookkeeping accepted accounting principles (GAAP) used by most companies in the U.S. Under those rules, only explicit, real costs are subtracted from total revenue. One of the most dramatic examples of opportunity cost is a 2010 exchange of 10,000 bitcoins for two large pizzas—at the time worth about $41.

how to compute the opportunity cost

Formula for Calculating Opportunity Cost

This, in turn, can cause people to overestimate the opportunity cost that they incurred by picking a specific option, since, in reality, they could have only picked one of the alternatives, rather than all of them. This opportunity cost calculator helps you find the value of the cash you want to spend on a non-investment product. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to calculate how much money you will earn by investing the money instead of spending it on goods or services, and from this find out what the opportunity cost is. Calculating the opportunity cost will also help you decide if the product is worth buying now, as well as learn to use the opportunity cost formula. Opportunity cost is a term that refers to the potential reward that you forgo when choosing one option over the next-best alternative. Assume that a business has $20,000 in available funds and must choose between investing the money in securities, which it expects to return 10% a year, or using it to purchase new machinery.

Understanding Opportunity Cost

  1. The opportunity cost of the 10 percent return is forgoing the 8 percent return.
  2. However, if you do this, it’s important to keep in mind that your past decisions were made when you had different information available to you than you do now.
  3. Next, let’s look at the opportunity cost formula to see how entrepreneurs analyze each trade-off.
  4. So the opportunity cost of taking the stock is the CD’s safe return, while the cost of the CD is the stock’s potentially higher return and greater risk.

Though people often underestimate or ignore opportunity costs, there are also situations where the opposite is true. This is not an offer, solicitation of an offer, recommendation or advice to buy or sell any security, financial product, instrument or to open a brokerage operating cash flow calculation account in any jurisdiction where Brex Treasury is not registered. Review the background of Brex Treasury or its investment professionals on FINRA’s BrokerCheck website. Please visit the Deposit Sweep Program Disclosure Statement for important legal disclosures.

Capital structure is the mixture of the debt and equity a company uses to fund its operations and growth. Knowing how to calculate opportunity cost can help you better approach your capital structure. Ultimately, Tiller says, “considering the opportunity cost will help show the most profitable option to invest in, making the decision-making process easier for you.” Let’s say you are deciding to invest in either Company A or Company B. You choose to invest in company A, which provides a return of 6% in one year. Suppose, for example, that you’ve just received an unexpected $1,000 bonus at work. You could simply spend it now, such as on a spur-of-the-moment vacation, or invest it for a future trip.

Consumers can harness opportunity cost to evaluate different choices and the value they will forgo by selecting those choices. “Explicit costs are those that are incurred when taking a specific course of action,” says Bob Castaneda, program director of Walden University’s College of Management of Technology. As with many opportunity cost decisions, there is no right or wrong answer here, but it can be a helpful exercise to think it through and decide what you most want.

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